Friday, May 15, 2009

Rodeo Time

You have not lived until you have experienced the San Augustine County PRCA Rodeo! I was amazed at the skill, nonstop action, timing, music, and the animals. I watched the hand signals between the workers and was in awe of the rider and the horse that seemed to move as one. The horses and bulls would buck and ride close to the gate and you could see how beautiful, fast, and strong they were. It was a real Texas cowboy affair and a serious one, too. However, there were plenty of laughs, audience participation, and fun. We clapped to the beat of the music, cheered the riders as they come out of the gate, laughed at the professional rodeo clown, and watched the nonstop action. I especially enjoyed the opening ceremonies with flag carrying riders and tribute to the soldiers and America, and the prayer to God and singing the Star Spangled Banner.... an evening shared by the community with proceeds benefiting a cure for breast cancer and most everyone being "tough enough to wear pink". I could tell that a lot of work and preparation went into providing this rodeo by sponsoring businesses and volunteers of the community. They did it to preserve San Augustine's history and give back to the community and the youth through scholarships, donations and community projects.

I am now a rodeo fan! and especially a San Augustine rodeo fan!

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