Saturday, August 6, 2011

Winds of Change

I have moved... away from San Augustine. I still travel in that area for work and visiting family, but it is no longer where I live. So what is to become of this blog? Do I change the name? Do I start a new one?

I am still having adventures, but my daily routine and surroundings have changed. I now live in Nacogdoches and it is beautiful and it is home. We went through the process of building a new home... and all that goes with that including packing and moving. This evening, I saw several deer going through my back yard. We live near the beautiful Lanana Creek that winds through the city near Stephen F. Austin making a wonderful walking trail for hiking and exploring. There are lots of restaurants and stores and churches. I take back roads through East Texas to work and sometimes see the refreshing morning sun and the evening hues of the setting sun on the pastures and hills around Etoile and Wooden.

We are in the midst of a drought and we have all been praying for rain and lots of it. The waters around East Texas have receded in just about every creek, lake, and riverbed. You can now walk and explore areas that until recently were covered with water. The heat index has been as high as 115 degrees. It is amazing how rich grasslands have sprung up under the bridges and shorelines of what was once the Toledo Bend Lake, Sam Rayburn Lake, and City Lake, San Augustine's water reservoir. I am anxious to get pictures and search for arrowheads soon, because this too will pass and I know changes will bring the much needed rain.