Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hanging Around

What hangs from two trees and is fun? My new hammock and good reading place. It is also an excellent place to watch rain droplets fall towards your face from the many leaves above, a little at a time that is. Maggie, my dog, enjoys laying with me, too - until I get some swinging action going. Now all I need is more sunshiny days. This must be the rainy season.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stopping to Reflect

Tonight, I stood arms folded in a light rain looking up toward the sky seeing the underside of a huge oak tree's canopy. This tree is so large that I spread my arms around only half of it. It is healthy and good cover for the rain. Best of all, it is in my yard along with a few other old large trees that make this small hill we live on so intoxicating. San Augustine is full of history and memories. What scenes have unfolded at this site while these trees grew through the years? While clearing and trimming the bushes that will all too soon flower, I came across a handprint in the cement on the driveway, no doubt done by the owners when the driveway was poured. What a joyful day that probably was. I did not know the owners of this house, but have heard their names and know that descendents still live not far away and probably still grieve for the loss of their parents that built this home. The rain continues to fall, the tree continues to grow, and life goes on. Thank you God for memories, for family and friends, for life and breath... and hope.