Thursday, August 20, 2009

Moonlight Madness

I had another bright adventurous idea (which I hope was not illegal). While walking at night in our neighborhood close to the lake, I was mesmerized by the full moon. The glitter of its light seemed to always be following me. Then I realized that the moon is shining everywhere and it is bright enough to canoe in. I talked Jeff into a moonlight ride. It is hard to describe how calming and beautiful the moonlight was on the ripples of the water. The lake is open and there was lots of area for its uninterrupted light. I thought about how wonderful it must be for the lakeside homeowners to have this view every time the sky is clear and there is a full moon. What is also so amazing is that I was not afraid of walking in our neighborhood late at night and I was not afraid to take the canoe out in the lake at night. This is a wonderful safe place to be a little adventurous. I was afraid of the legality of it because we did not have lights on the canoe. However, we did bring a flashlight. I tried to use it to attract fish. This night with Jeff was truly memorable.

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