These are the pictures I entered into the Sassafras Festival photo contest. Bench Kitty, my cat, won best in show. The Echinacea flower, growing wild in my yard, won 2nd in the flower division and the flag scene taken at Abilene Christian University, "Waving Proudly in the Snow", won 1st in the scenic division. The Amaryillis was given to me by a dear friend (SP) and has multiplied into 50 or more bulbs that I have given away over the years. It won Honorable Mention at the Fall Festival in Jasper a few weeks ago. I love to take pictures as many of you know. Entering the contest means I like sharing my work and winning means that I did a decent and appreciated job. I thank God for the confidence and talent he has given me to share this blog and all my pictures with you and I hope that I convey my excitement and the beauty of the world we live in.

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