We still have a house to fix up and sell in Orange. Everytime I think about having to travel back to Orange to take care of business, I get an uneasy feeling. I wish that part of our lives was finished and we could just carry on ahead. Going back reminds me of what use to be and brings me just within reach of that time again... only it can never be the same. I contemplate whether to call or plan something with an old friend, maybe drive by my old job site, or work dispairingly on our house. The contractor should begin rebuilding our home this week which means maybe within 4-6 weeks we can put it up for sale. This weekend we planned to go to Orange, meet with a septic installer, make a garbage dump run, trim and landscape our yard, and pick blueberries from our bushes.
While trimming and cutting vines out of our azaelas and gardenias, I had plenty of time to think. I thought about where we were and how far we have come since Hurricane Ike and even back to Hurricane Rita. The support of our family, church family, friends (old and new), government assistance and public servants, and anonymous help was all a God thing as my Bible study group would say. God's hand was in it all and he never let us dispair. I thought of how so many lifted us up in little ways and big ways that helped us through. I continued thinking while trimming and remembered that Jesus said that he "came to give life and give it more abundantly". "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these." I also thought about I Corinthians 13 where Paul said love "always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." and that "love never fails". I realized that through all God was having us experience his love, his blessings, his forgiveness, and his faith. I knew of all of this before, but now I have lived it and felt his overflowing, enduring and unfailing care .
I thought this trip to Orange was going to be sad and upsetting, but it was peaceful and bright. I remembered who I belong to..... I also was joyful about working at the house, eating the sweet blueberries, and reminiscing about good times that my family and I shared in this house and in the Orange area. I did spend time with old friends and it was glorious.
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