Peacocks are the most beautiful birds ever! The best place to watch and experience the wonder of peacocks is the Ellen Trout Zoo in Lufkin, TX about an hour drive from San Augustine. It has been a few weeks since I have been able to venture out. So the first beautiful sunny day we have had in a few weeks, we decided to soak up some vitamin D and do something that makes us both happy. Jeff loves to carry the camera bag, and I love animals and taking pictures. No really! Jeff loves carrying the camera bag and helping me change out lenses. The peacocks roam freely about the zoo mostly near the flamingo area. I watched as they gobbled up fallen popcorn and chased each other around and around and around a small tree. To my amazement, one opened his feathers in a magical fan right near me while I was taking pictures of him. Their feathers are so brilliant and colorful, the perfect colors of green and blue.

The zoo also houses many other types of birds and animals large and small. As I walked the shaded trails around the enclosures, ponds, and waterfalls, I thought about how even in the heat of summer this would be a nice place to visit. There is a miniature train that crosses a large pond and back again driven by a gentlemen in overalls and a railroad engineer hat. The river otters had a playful swim, the bobcat enjoyed straddling a tree branch, the porcupines demonstrated their prickly quills, giraffes shyly rubbed a tree, and the rhinoceros embarrassed us all. That is all I am going to say about that, except that I am glad I am not a rhinoceros. They look so large (2 to 3 tons), and uncomfortable.