So much is happening and there is not enough time to be reflective about it. Let me ramble.... taxes are done, school is just about over and all the joy and the sadness that will come with that, Caleb is having the time of his life and will be home soon, Travis and Kendel have posted their beautiful engagement pictures, I am playing tennis and loving it, found some new Christian songs and downloaded them to my iPhone and hum them all the time (sorry Jeff), Amaryllis is starting to bloom, Azaleas are in full bloom, weather is wonderful, sunflowers I planted are peaking through the dirt, Heidi hurt her paw and is limping around so pitifully, WL gave me another book to read, I have 2 weddings coming up, 4 graduations, and the exciting San Augustine PRCA Rodeo for which I volunteered to feed the hungry cowboys, 95 wonderful friends on facebook, 4 special young people and a family in my continual prayers, and there is so so much more.... God understands and He is good! "You are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power because you made all things. Everything existed and was made, because you wanted it." ... so to finish rambling.... God is with me and I am thankful!