Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Kid in Me

One of my favorite things to do is tease the cat! Oh, it is so much fun! She acts so cool and under control, but she cannot resist anything that is wiggling within her eye sight. I buy toys with feathers hooked to a string and I stick my hand under a pillow or cover and wiggle my fingers. She jerks her head first, lowers her body in position with a wiggly backside, then -- pounce! She misses the target by a microsecond and she gets a wad of fabric in her mouth. She cannot resist my dogs wagging tail either. It thrills me to see her loose control like that and I do get a little carried away myself with the giggling and laughing at her. She gets that embarrassed look.

Another thing I love to do is swing in the hammock while listening to music on my IPhone and sometimes singing. I could spend hours doing that. I lay perpendicular on the hammock and swing my leg so that the hammock never stops moving. I examine the clouds going by and imagine what their shape is or look for familiar constellations at night. I was driven out by the cold night air tonight.

I also love to capture a moment in time to see it over and over.... taking pictures. I snap snap away and could do it all day. Here are a few pictures I took today in San Augustine.

Scenes from Hwy 2213 or Liberty.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Late night thoughts

Enjoying nap time.

It has been a few weeks since my last post. I just am not motivated to share anything adventurous lately. I could tell you that I had my sister and her family over today for dinner and picture sharing. Oh, and I did cook the meal for a change. I could tell you that I worked until 10:00 pm with an interesting friend sharing stories and good conversation. I broke up a fight between my cat and the neighbor's cat, so that my cat did not end up in the tree this time. I washed all my laundry... almost. I figured out that my dog scratches because she has become allergic to her food. The TV series LOST has become complicated but is still worth watching especially one episode after another with no interruptions. I searched 2 hours today for a new box of plastic bags that you use to pack things and then take the air out of it to be able to fit more in less space. Never found them. I ran into some smiling and familiar faces at the grocery store. I bought groceries and did not forget a thing. That has been my excitement today. However, what is really heavy on my mind is my son is leaving for a semester study in Greece this week. This will be his adventure of a lifetime and I hope all goes well! Now what is in store tomorrow?

Friday, January 1, 2010

A Joyful Life

I went shopping with someone special, but I might embarrass him if I say who it was. However, this is something I feel strongly about. OK, OK, it was my son, Caleb. We traveled to Orange because of doctor appointments. Anyone that knows me, knows that I like to cross off things on a list and this was the first item of the day to cross off and say "that's done". Then, we ate at the restaurant I chose "Crazy Joses" and enjoyed conversation and watching to see if anyone was in the restaurant we knew, which there was. This was our old stomping grounds for 10 years, so we know people. :) Afterwards, we traveled to the familiar drug store to pick up a few items for his upcoming semester-long trip. Then we traveled to Beaumont with the goal in mind to look at backpacks and walking shoes, but first to the used bookstore. I thought I knew where that bookstore was.... oh yes after a trip around the block and our trustworthy iPhone GPS we found it and it was still open this New Year's Eve at 2:00 pm. We were just a little behind schedule, but both of us seemed to be relaxed and enjoying the day. I thought we would try a back way to the mall and traveled through a beautiful neighborhood of older homes and winding streets. We were still going in the right direction. I thought about the man sitting next to me while I drove. He was not anxious about our detour... in fact, he had not shown any anxiousness or irritation at all. When we talked about my observance, we were in agreement that this side trip was an adventure and learning experience that enriched our life. "Besides", in his words, "You are paying," and "I am driving" I added. We both laughed. It is all in how you choose to look at life that can make it a joy! We had a wonderful day!