Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping, going to sleep, and staying asleep. I have heard that happens sometimes as you get older. I was lucky and slept until 5:30 am this Sunday morning. I decided instead of laying there wishing I could sleep some more, I would make an early day of it. After baking a cake and reading a little Francine Rivers, I looked outside and noticed a little light was starting to show and got this bright idea to go to the boat launch and watch the sun rise over City Lake. I parked the truck and just sat near the water in silence breathing the fresh morning air. The fog was floating off the water and the only sounds were the occasional fish splashing and the birds chirping. It was chilly and I was thankful for my sweats and jean jacket. I felt completely safe and alone. While the sun was peaking over the far side of the lake, I listened for God and prayed. I prayed that I was doing the right things and for forgiveness. I also thanked him for this quiet time to be completely alone with Him.